RipTide PSD In-&-Out Footstop
Why would I choose to use a FootStop?
? Gives you exactly the same starting/balance point each time you skate which allows you to skate with more confidence and consistency. If you skate at night, you always know where your foot is on the deck without seeing it.
Which FootStop should I choose?
? If you don't move your foot much when you ride - choose a concave shape (In-Side, In-&-Out or I/O Mini).
? If you move your foot when you ride - choose a convex shape (Aer-Out, Out-Side, In-&-Out or I/O Mini).
? If you're not sure, or sometimes do both - choose a FootStop with both a concave and convex surface (In-&-Out or I/O Mini).
More about PSD / RipTide FootStops.
? They're designed by PSD Designs in the U.K. and are manufactured by RipTide in the U.S.A out of an extremely tough urethane so they will take whatever you throw at them. This international collaboration was made possible by one of our team riders, Aaron Skippings, Tim Pritchard of PSD and RipTide.
? The 60d urethane is hard yet still flexible. This means the FootStop will conform to the concave of your board while still taking the compression of your mounting hardware!
? Designed to take high impact hits so they won't fail if your board hits a guardrail, tree, rocks or the hay bales.
? Designed to protect the rider if he does fall. If you have ever fallen and landed on a metal FootStop, you know what I am talking about!