About Phase 5
The core of what Phase 5 is today was founded over 25 years ago. Phase 5 started making skim boards and that transitioned right over to making wakesurf boards. They took what they knew from making high quality skim boards, as well as insights from the wakeboarders, now turned wakesurfers, and packed it all into what we know today as Phase 5 Wakesurf Boards. Phase 5 makes boards for the little grom just starting out, all the way up to the veteran rider looking for the most responsive surf or skim style board.Phase 5 is proud to bring some of the best technology into their boards, to help them perform and last. Nevertheless, Phase 5 is also proud to say that all of their boards are handmade in America. Phase 5 is a company owned and operated by their team riders. The riders on the water are those who are shaping and designing Phase 5 boards. They are built in Venice, FL and do not leave the factory unless the board meets their lofty standards. This attention to detail ensures the final consumer they are receiving nothing short of what Phase 5 riders are using. Try one today!